with Emily Lush, blogger at Wander-Lush

Emily in front of the Chreli-Abano sulphur bath in Abanotubani, Tbilisi

Looking for some unusual attractions in Tbilisi, Georgia? Look no further.

In this episode, we talk to local expert Emily Lush, blogger at Wander-Lush.

Emily Lush is an Australian writer and photographer who has lived in Georgia since 2020. Her travel blog, Wander-Lush, is the internet's most comprehensive resource for travelling in Georgia and the South Caucasus. Her work has also appeared in publications like CNN, National Geographic, and Condé Nast.

In this episode you’ll find out…

  • When it pays to walk into random people’s apartment buildings

  • How Tbilisi paid a high price for failing to restore a Shah’s testicles

  • Why you should never eat your dumplings with a knife and fork

…and so much more.

You’ll find all Emily’s picks on the podcast website:

Follow Emily on X and Instagram or follow her Wander-Lush blog on Facebook

Here are the three Tbilisi travel guides we mentioned on the podcast:

Follow Joe on X or Instagram or get in touch at

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Picks of the pod

Here’s a list of all the Strange Old Tbilisi suggestions of Emily Lush. Attractions marked with an asterisk (*) are included on the map below.

Emily’s Tbilisi picks (and one from Joe). You’ll need to zoom out a bit to see the day trip recommendation.